Monday, March 8, 2010

Is happiness simply a state of mind... ?


  1. It absolutely is! Coincidentally, I was just reading about it a few hours back...

    "Happiness is a factor that we have to consciously pursue. Unconsciously we all are happy, but somewhere in the pursuit of happiness we get stuck and miss the goal. That is what spirituality is all about - bringing that one smile.
    Once you are able to see the light, you see the entire past as a dream, move on. Wake up and see the present, you will find happiness is there, unconditional happiness. Then you are happy and not dependent on others for your happiness. Happiness depends only on your mind. When the mind is free of past impressions and future cravings, happiness is there. "

  2. I see some Paulo Coelho (or may be Bhagvat Gita) in that comment. May be you are reading a lot of him (or it). Just kidding.

    Nice to read these lines. Hopefully i have understood it correct, since I try my best to live in the present. And in fact that's what my blog is titled as well.

    However, you say "when mind is free of past impressions and future cravings, happiness is there". Now when that happens, it will be a state of eternal bliss in a more spiritual way. Or a state close to nirvana. You are in a state of internal peace, moments of joy or sorrow don't make any difference then.

    Somehow I think you are mixing spirituality with happiness. Yes they have a connection. But I don't think they are the same. May be spirituality is above happiness, however, I am too naive in this matter.

    I think you are correct when you say it is a state of mind, but I don't perceive the rest. The past impressions decide your present, and your future cravings change the way you act in ur present.

    On my low days, I think about my past, say my school days or my vacations n I feel extremely happy. So I have to take shelter of my past memories to experience happiness, hoping my future will be the same. And my efforts today will pay off tomorrow.

    But yes, to make the most of today, you have to live in the moment.
    "Carpe Diem". That's how I want to live, n I try...

    Anyways, I hope you are understanding the point. And it is just my perception. And may be what you have mentioned is how you perceive happiness. For me happiness should be more simple to achieve. Spirituality is slightly more complicated... :P

    I just realized, I have written too much.

  3. I like what you wrote, and I could easily relate to it. =)
    I just quoted something I was reading. I have neither attained nirvana, nor I am a Buddha... I am connected to my past, more than my present. Seeing the heights of materialism in the society we live in, it is probably nearly impossible to reach that stage of no attachment. But the quote made a lot of sense. I am not very spiritual myself. I am seeking spirituality, if that's what you wanna say? And, "happiness" does seem to be easier than spirituality, although I am quite unsure if spirituality really is that complicated... Because both happiness and spirituality are inter related, so how can one seem to be easy, and another so difficult?! But anyway, won't it be so much more peaceful to have no attachment, and be happy forever, than be attached to your past/future and keep having mood swings?! =P

    Coming back to your question... Our brain/mind is just miraculous! Our thoughts alone can change our life! Watch this video! It talks about the science related to human emotions. I found it very interesting!

    P.S: It's neither Bhagwat Geeta, nor Paulo Coelho. I am on an over dose of "The Secret," and other random newsletters. =P

  4. well it's heartening to know that u have not attained nirvana... :)
    and as u ask... if it would be so much more peaceful to have no attachments. The asnwer is yes. But I believe that state is a higher state of happiness. That state is a superset. And happiness is a subset of it. You'll automatically get it.

    I say happiness is simpler, because most people relate happiness to material stuff, or human relationships. Having people you love around, or things you love or crave for will make you happy. It can be as simple as an ice-cream or a glass of beer :P to make one happy. Having people you love with you will make you happy.
    That's the reason I say it is simpler. But if you are talking about spiritual happiness then you are right.

    P.S.: I see in your profile that you also have a blog with the name "Tanvi". Is it a private blog, coz I clicked on the link, but I guess I don't have the permissions to read it.

  5. True that! And, umm... Beer is eternal bliss - The highest and purest state of happiness. =P

    Yeah, I do have a blog and it's open for invited readers only. Actually, it is less of a blog and more of a place for my random ramblings, and a way for me to keep in touch with my people in India. =) And, I anyway don't write half as well as you do. =P
